Kołobrzeg 2024-11-21
OKB Suchoj Su-22 M 4 K nb 7308.
Supersonic fighter-bomber, with variable wing geometry.

The outbreak of the Second Cold War, in the early 80s of the 20th century, forced the Warsaw Pact countries to rearm. In Poland, the fighter aviation was equipped with MiG-23 MF aircraft, in limited quantities, and, for financial reasons, MiG-21 bis. However, the real rearmament took place in the fighter-bomber (attack) aviation. Both in terms of quality and quantity. We bought Su-22 aircraft in two versions; single-seat Su-22 M 4 K and two-seat Su-22 M 3 K. In 1985, Poland received the first, 20 and 6 units respectively. In total, we bought 90 single-seat aircraft and 20 two-seat aircraft, which together gave 110 units, or equipment for three air regiments and one squadron. A limited number of Su-22 aircraft are still used in the Polish Air Force (2023).
Su-22 M 4 K nb 7308, serial number 27308. The aircraft was built in 1986. It was the 53rd aircraft delivered to Poland. The aircraft was used in the 7th PLB-R, and since 2000, in the 7th ELT in Powidz. A general overhaul was carried out on 2001-07-13. In 2009, the aircraft was operational in the 40th ELT. In 2011, the aircraft was inactive. On March 17, 2011, the aircraft was transported to the Polish Arms Museum in Kołobrzeg, where it is on display to this day (2024).
It is worth mentioning that on the same day (March 17, 2011), the Polish Army delivered the second aircraft in the two-seater version, the Su-22 UM 3 K nb 706. The aircraft was built in 1986. The aircraft was transported to the Polish Arms Museum in Rogów. Currently (2024), the Rogów facility is not available to visitors.
Written by Karol Placha Hetman