Kraków 2014-10-19
010b Section 7.07.1943 year.
OKB Jakowlew Jak-1, Jak-3, Jak-7, Jak-9.
The Jakowlew fighter planes in the Polish Army were used in the last phase of World War II and in the first years after the war.
In the Polish People’s Army it was used; Jak-1 M – around 75, Jak-3 – around 25, Jak-7 B – around 8, Jak-7 W – around 22, Jak-9 – 1, Jak-9 M – around 140 , Jak-9 T – about 25 copies, Jak-9 D – about 6 copies, Jak-9 W – about 20 copies, Jak-9 P – about 100 copies.
Written by Karol Placha Hetman