Kraków 2007-02-07
085b Section 1950-08-20
OKB Jakowlew Jak-17 / W „Agata”. Poland
The first Polish fighter aircraft with a turbojet engine.

History. Assumptions of the Jak-15 design.
The Yak-15 aircraft became the first aircraft with a turbojet engine of the Yakovlev OKB. The Yak-3 fighter aircraft was taken as the basis, with a piston engine, which was decided to be equipped with the RD-10 turbine engine, a copy of the Germanic Jumo 004 engine. In order not to lead to revolutionary changes, the cockpit was arranged identically to the fighter with a piston engine. Even the throttle lever remained in the same place. Thanks to this, the pilots easily learned to fly the plane with the new drive.
Serial production of the Yak-15 aircraft was started and about 250 units were built. The aircraft was not exported. Its maximum speed was only 786 km/h. British designs were faster.
Jak-17. 1947.
The direct development of the Yak-15 front-line fighter was the Yak-17. Initially, this new aircraft was designated Yak-15 U (usowiershenstwovannyj). However, the changes were significant, which forced the assignment of a new designation Yak-17.
As a result of the operation of the Yak-15 aircraft, it turned out that the mixed, wood-metal construction of the aircraft required significant reinforcement. Elements made of metal, much stronger, began to replace wood, which is why the aircraft’s structure is almost entirely made of metal.
The tailplane underwent major changes. The one developed for the Yak-3 turned out to be bad with the turbojet engine. The tailplane was redesigned, giving it a larger surface area and larger slopes.
A very significant progress was the change in the landing gear system. The aircraft received a landing gear with a front wheel. Thanks to this, visibility from the cockpit improved during the aircraft’s movement on the ground. Since there was no room for the front leg in the fuselage, it was placed outside, and after folding it is covered by a special fairing. The main landing gear also had to be redesigned and moved back, behind the center of gravity. This change resulted in the removal of the wing fuel tanks. At the same time, additional droplet-shaped fuel tanks were suspended at the ends of the wings.
The changes increased the aircraft’s take-off weight compared to the Yak-15, by about 400 kg, and decreased performance, despite the use of an engine with greater thrust. The aircraft was a more mature design. The aircraft made its first flight on January 5, 1947.
The turbojet engine underwent modernization in the control unit by engineer J. Kolesnikov and received the designation RD-10 A, with a thrust of 1 x 9.8 kN (1 x 1,000 kgf). The engine was started by a small piston engine, but more on that below. The problem with the first turbojet engines was their short service life. It amounted to only 25 hours of operation. The Yak-17 aircraft has a small fuel reserve, enough for only 20-28 minutes of calm flight.
Jak-17 W (UTI).
At the turn of 1947-1948, a two-seater training version was created, designated Yak-17 W or Yak-17 UTI (uczebno trenirowocznyj istriebitiel). It differs from the combat version in the use of the RSI-6 communication radio station, it has no armament and, of course, a two-seater cabin.
Production of Jak-17, Jak-17 UTI aircraft.
Production of Yak-17 aircraft began at the beginning of 1948, lasted until the end of 1949, and ended with about 430 produced machines, both single- and two-seaters. Yak-17 aircraft were first presented to the public at a parade in Tushino in 1949. The aircraft were introduced into the armament of the CCCP aviation. The aircraft were also used in other countries. These were basically training and training versions, and in small quantities. For example; Czechoslovakia – 1 Yak-17 aircraft designated S-100, from 1950. Other countries: Bulgaria, Romania, China also had only a few of these aircraft in the Yak-17 UTI version. Chinese aircraft were also used to train North Korean pilots during the Korean War. Yak-17s were not used in combat. The last Yak-17 UTI aircraft were withdrawn from use in the early 1960s.
Jak-17 for Poland. 1950.
In 1948, Poland developed a seven-year plan for the development of military aviation for the period 1949-1955. These plans mentioned the acquisition of new fighter aircraft powered by a future drive, in the form of turbojet engines. The basic advantages of this type of drive at that time were; much higher maximum speed, high rate of climb and simpler construction.
Since Poland fell into the Soviet sphere of influence, the only supplier of new equipment could be the Moscow state. The possibility of purchasing Yak-15 aircraft was considered, but CCCP did not dare to sell these machines even to countries dependent on it. The purchase of Yak-17 and Yak-17 W aircraft, which were the trainer version, turned out to be realistic.
At the beginning of 1950, Poland bought the first batch of Yak-17 fighters, which consisted of three machines. The planes were brand new. These machines were delivered by one rail transport to Radom and there placed in one of the heavily guarded hangars. Each of the planes was partially dismantled and placed in crates. Their assembly and acceptance flights were carried out by Soviet technicians and pilots. The first Polish Yak-17 plane was assembled in July 1950.
Lieutenant Colonel Wasyl Gaszyn, a CCCP citizen serving in the Polish People’s Army, was preparing for training flights. He was the first to demonstrate this unique plane at that time to selected representatives of the military and civil aviation. Later, it was planned to present the plane to the public at the Aviation Day ceremonies.
In the first decade of August 1950, Lieutenant Colonel (then Captain) Wasyl Gaszyn began intensive training flights in preparation for the shows. During one of these flights, a tire was damaged during landing. This meant the end of training flights. At that time, a decision was made to replace the entire wheel from one of the unassembled aircraft stored in Radom. For this purpose, Lieutenant Colonel W. Gaszyn, together with Warrant Officer Z. Pietrucha, flew to Radom in a Po-2 aircraft. There, on the spot, with the help of an organized team of technicians and officer cadets, they pulled one crate out of the hangar and dismantled the wheel from the right wing. They took it to the Po-2 aircraft and flew back to Warsaw. The aircraft wheel was installed in the Yak-17 and training flights resumed. This method of repair, using the method of technical cannibalism, was not uncommon in communist aviation.
In July 1950, the Air Force Command sent a group of 4 pilots to train on the new type of aircraft; Lieutenant Colonel (Capt) Wasyl Gaszyn (then a Soviet advisor to the Air Force Command), Lieutenant Colonel Aleksander Markov (Soviet advisor to the Officers’ Aviation School in Dęblin), Captain Andrzej Rybacki from the 1st Air Force Regiment (fighter aviation regiment), Lieutenant Kazimierz Tanana from the 2nd Air Force Regiment.
The training was quick. Captain Pilot Andrzej Rybacki and Lieutenant Pilot Kazimierz Tanana made their first independent flights in early August 1950. By the end of the course, each of them had completed 6 hours of flights.
In 1951, pilots from the 1st Air Force Regiment were trained on jet-powered aircraft; Captain Wiącek, Captain Bajczykow, Captain Krepski, Captain Paniewski, Second Lieutenant Iwoń and 2nd Lt. Smolnik. Next were: 2nd Lt. Dobrzeniecki, 2nd Lt. Płoszański, 2nd Lt. Władysław Hermaszewski and others.
All pilots first underwent theoretical and practical training at the CCCP on Yak-17 W (Yak-17 UTI) aircraft. Some training also took place in Poland at Soviet bases, for example in the 159th Soviet Regiment in Brzeg Opolski.
Preparations for serial production of the G-1 (Jak-17).
At the turn of 1949/1950, the possibility of launching licensed production of Yak-17 aircraft by the Polish aviation industry was considered in Poland. In mid-1950, preparations for production began, with the third purchased copy of the single-seat Yak-17 at their disposal. The Polish aircraft was to receive the designation PZL Mielec G-1. The work was supervised by the chief designer of the Mielec factory, engineer Zygmunt Szczeciński. However, production was not undertaken, as it was possible to start production of the Yak-23 fighter, with a more modern design. The designation G-3 was planned for the aircraft. And this intention quickly ceased to be relevant. In May 1951, similarly to Czechoslovakia, preparations began for licensed production of the MiG-15.
At the same time, preparations were made in the WSK factory in Rzeszów to start licensed production of RD-10 A engines, under the name G-2. These plans were also abandoned. Only 30 units were made, which were used to power the Jak-17 W aircraft operated in Poland.
The Jak-17 UTI service in Poland.
A completely new division was planned for the new type of aircraft, namely the 5th Fighter Aviation Division (DLM). The formation of the tactical unit began on 28 April 1950. The 5th DLM initially consisted of the 1st Fighter Aviation Regiment from Modlin, the 2nd Fighter Aviation Regiment from Kraków and the 3rd Fighter Aviation Regiment from Babie Doły.
On 20 August 1950, at the Warsaw Okęcie airport, air shows were held on the occasion of Aviation Day. As the fourth point of the program, at about 3:00 p.m., a gray-green fast jet appeared over the airport with a great bang. It flew over the honorary tribune relatively low and fast, which made a big impression on the spectators. After a short while, the plane returned to the airport and within a few minutes demonstrated to the audience a show of higher potash figures. It was possible to examine the plane quite closely. Checkerboards and the side number 29 were visible. This show made a huge impression and found a place in the domestic and foreign press.
The side number 29 on the Polish Yak-17 plane is a bit of a mystery. During the first show, on August 20, 1950, the plane had this number in black or dark blue. In subsequent shows, the nb 29 is yellow. On this basis, we can conclude that these were two different copies of the plane. Following this lead, we can assume that one of these planes was borrowed from a Soviet unit stationed in Poland. The Jak-17/W (UTI) aircraft in Poland were named very pleasantly “Agata” by the pilots.
In January 1951, one of the most modern military airports in Poland was put into operation – Bemowo Airport in Warsaw. It was built on a grand scale for several years. German prisoners of war took part in the construction, brought to the construction site from the nearby camp in Groty. The airport received two intersecting runways. However, the airport infrastructure was unfinished.
The airport was designated as the main base of the 5th Fighter Aviation Division, which was the beginning of the Anti-Aircraft Defense system for Warsaw. The command and staff of the 5th DLM and the 1st Fighter Aviation Regiment from Modlin were moved to the airport. The commander of the 5th DLM at that time was the Soviet general Grigory Pyatakov, and the commander of the 1st MPL was also a Soviet lieutenant colonel pilot Alexander Bystrow. At that time, the relatively new piston Yak-9 P and several older training Yak-9 W were in service.
Servicing Jak-17 aircraft.
The introduction of a new technology in the form of a turbojet drive required mastering new technical and operational processes. Starting the RD-10 engine is complicated and involves several points that pilots and technicians had to master perfectly.
Starting the RD-10 engine: Remove the right and left spark plugs, clean them and reinstall them. Pour the kerosene out of the combustion chambers and the exhaust nozzle. Wipe the exhaust nozzle dry. Connect the battery and heat the spark plug until it reaches a temperature of 220 degrees C (within 10 minutes). At an air temperature of -5 degrees C, heat it with lamps until the thermocouples indicate a temperature of +150 degrees C. Then give the command: “Remove the plugs and wipe the nozzle”. Give the command: “From the nozzle” and move the battery switch down. Move the engine switch down. Give the command: “To prime” and press the “Priming” button for 3-4 seconds. Give the command: “From the nozzle” and press the starter of the internal combustion engine, at the same time move the ignition switch to the forward position. If the turbine speed increases to 600 – 800 rpm, turn on the ignition. If the speed increases to 1,800 – 2,000 rpm, move the fire valve and throttle lever forward and closely monitor the temperature of the outgoing gases. It should not exceed 680 degrees C. Turn off the internal combustion engine. If the temperature of the gases exceeds 680 degrees C, the engine should be turned off within 2-3 seconds. At 2,800 – 3,000 rpm, turn off the ignition. The oil pressure in the engine must be not less than 0.3 atmospheres, at a temperature not exceeding 30 degrees C.
Turning off the engine also requires special attention. Actions: Move the throttle to neutral and press “Ignition” on the throttle. At the same time, move the throttle and fire valve completely back. If a flame appears in the nozzle after turning it off, start the starter motor and blow it out. If this does not help, start the main engine. Run at idle speed for a longer time with “Ignition” on. The engine can be covered with shields if the temperature of the gases in the reactive nozzle does not exceed 100 degrees C. It should be added that in practice, when starting the engine, these emergency situations occurred very often. It was very dangerous when the gasoline did not ignite and only poured out of the outlet nozzle in a trickle. Or it ignited, but the engine speed did not increase, but the temperature increased. In such cases, pilots broke records for the speed of leaving the cabin, because fire and explosion were very likely. Before starting the engine again, to avoid an explosion, it was mandatory to clean the nozzles of fuel. A group of strong mechanics lifted the nose of the plane up and poured unburned gasoline from the nozzle. When the gasoline evaporated and the concrete was dry, it was possible to take a seat in the cabin again and start the engine again. However, when the gasoline ignites and the turbine speed starts to increase, and the temperature does not rise above 680 degrees C, at turbine speeds above 2,000 rpm, the kerosene valve opens and if it ignites, the gasoline supply is closed and the engine can be considered started.
The Agata (Yak-17 W) plane was slightly easier to pilot than the propeller “Nine” (Yak-9). The plane did not lose direction during take-off, and the more powerful engine makes it easier to perform figures in the zone. The cabin is quite spacious, the visibility from it is good, like in a car, and the engine noise is lower. There was also no need to constantly manipulate the R-7 throttle lever, the propeller pitch, or keep an eye on the oil and water cooler covers. There is only one indicator of the temperature of the exhaust gases, a fuel pressure indicator, and an engine speed indicator. The new drive required the pilot to acquire certain habits. For example, moving the lever to increase engine speed had to be much slower. The piston engine reacts to the throttle lever movements almost immediately. In a turbojet engine, this happens much slower, but the increased thrust accelerates the plane much faster. During evolutions and piloting figures, there are large overloads, much exceeding the intensity of similar phenomena on a propeller plane.
On the other hand, the difficulty of piloting was the need to constantly monitor the fuel pressure indicator. If it dropped below 2.0 atm, which could happen when the throttle was completely reduced, the engine could stall. And restarting in the air remained in the realm of theory.
The main drawback of the Yak-17 aircraft was a very small fuel supply, enough for a leisurely 20-minute flight, up to 28 minutes. Of course, without additional fuel tanks. In practice, two 12-minute flights were performed in a circle without refueling, or a short zone lasting no longer than 15-17 minutes. Therefore, the combat value of the Yak-17 was minimal.
What did the pilots themselves say about flying the Yak-17 aircraft? – “At first, after taking a seat in the cockpit, I felt strange. The long nose and three-meter propeller blade were missing at the front, but I quickly got used to it, because the great visibility overshadowed all reminiscences. Take-off, a dream. You can let go of the controls, and it won’t deviate from the direction even by a degree. At 140 km/h, the wheel lifts, and the maximum speed is 700 km/h. When you gain speed, there is silence, only a slight whistle of the turbine. In vertical figures, there are no deviations either, there is no powerful propeller gyroscope, throwing the plane left or right. In a word, I feel wonderful in the air. And after these flights, it seems to me that the jet plane is the one I have been waiting for, which is my destiny.”
The introduction of turbojet aircraft into service also resulted in the introduction of a new regulation outfit in the form of a jacket, trousers and shoes made of leather. The pilot in such clothing looked very elegant and significantly distinguished himself from other soldiers. In addition, the diet of jet pilots was higher. This appreciation of pilots made them an elite.
The three Yak-17 planes could not have any combat value. Therefore, they were mainly used to improve piloting techniques, and above all, shooting skills of pilots. Only they had firearms.
The main role was played by Yak-17 W planes. Pilots trained on them, who later moved to Yak-23 fighters, which in Poland did not have twin rudders.
Service of Jak-17 W “Agata”.
In April 1951, the first 3 Yak-17 W machines were delivered to Poland. These planes, like Yak-17, arrived in Poland in crates by rail. However, they were not new machines. They were sent straight to the Bemowo-Warszawa airport, where they were stored in hangar No. 3.
These machines were manufactured in 1948 and operated by the Soviet unit. Aircraft numbers (serial / side); 3120008 / 04, 3120127 / 7, 3120145 / … They were in service with the 1st MPL (Fighter Air Regiment).
The day of 20.03.1951 was very important for the 1st MPL. On that day, a special order was read out by the regiment commander, about the transition in flight training from piston aircraft to jet aircraft (turbojet). At that time, the regiment already had 16 Yak-23 aircraft and 3 Yak-11 aircraft, 6 Yak-9 P, 1 Yak-9 W, 3 Po-2. The following month, the regiment already had 30 Yak-23 aircraft and 3 Yak-17 W, the ones mentioned above.
At the beginning of April 1951, the formation of the 7th DLM (Fighter Aviation Division) began in Krakow, by order of the Ministry of National Defense No. 0036/org. The commander was a Polish officer, former head of the Security Office in Warsaw and Krakow, Lt. Col. pilot Jan Frey-Bielecki. The basic unit was the 2nd MPL stationed in Czyżyny (Krakow). This regiment became the nucleus of subsequent jet fighter aviation units.
In the meantime, the entire 2nd MPL was relocated to the Warsaw Bemowo (Bibice) airport for training. The first classes with the new equipment were conducted on 2.05.1951. Training was conducted in hangar no. 3, which could only be accessed by presenting a special pass. Both regiments (1st MPL, 2nd MPL) trained together. The entire staff also took part in the assembly of subsequent new copies of Yak-23 aircraft.
The pilots of the 2nd MPL received one Yak-17 W aircraft no. 3120145 from the 1st MPL unit. The first flights were performed on 9.05.1951, under the direction of the Soviet officer Major Markov.
In mid-May 1951, the Russians delivered the fourth Yak-17 W aircraft, no. 3120124, to Warsaw, and the pilots of the 2nd MPL began flying it.
During the Aviation Festival in 1951, Yak-17 W aircraft took part in the show, flying in formation alongside Yak-23 fighters.
At the beginning of August 1951, according to the plan, by order of DWL no. 064/org, the formation of the third jet fighter unit 13 PLM (MPL) was started, at the same time changing the nomenclature to Fighter Aviation Regiments. The commander of 13 PLM was Major Pilot Stanisław Więcek, and the squadron commanders were: Captain Pilot Kazimierz Tanana, Lieutenant Pilot Wiktor Iwonia, Lieutenant Pilot Bolesław Smolik. 13 PLM was initially stationed in Warsaw (Bemowo), and then transferred to Łęczyca.
On 18.08.1951, the regiment received one Yak-17 W no. 31200008, from the Warsaw regiment, and a few weeks later the second Yak-17 W no. 3120127, as 1 PLM had completely switched to MiG-15 and UTI MiG-15 aircraft.
On 20.11.1951, the last flights of the 2nd PLM took place at the airport in Bemowo. On 24.11.1951, the 2nd PLM was said goodbye and the aircraft from the 5th DLM were transferred to the 7th DLM. The ferry to Czyżyny was carried out by road on 23-26.11.1951, and the combat roll on 7.12.1951. 64 Yak-23 aircraft and 4 Yak-17 W aircraft arrived in Krakow.
At the end of 1951, Poland already had 60 MiG-15 aircraft, 4 UTI MiG-15 aircraft, almost 100 Yak-23 aircraft and 4 Yak-17 W aircraft. Unfortunately, there were few trained pilots, and the organizational structures were still being developed. Therefore, in December 1951, another 3 used Jak-17 W aircraft were purchased (no. 3120037, 3120038, 3120141), which were transferred to the 11th PLM in Krzesiny. This regiment was planned to be armed with Jak-23 aircraft.
On 17-18.12.1951, in the destroyed Piarist Fathers’ school in Kraków, a meeting of the 2nd PLM personnel took place, during which, among other things, a partial division of flying, technical and staff equipment was made for the newly formed regiments; 39th PLM (Mierzęcice-Pyrzowice deployment) and 40th PLM (final deployment in Świdwin).
In January 1952, the 39th PLM and 40th PLM began normal training in Kraków, but already in February 1952, both regiments were relocated to Mierzęcice Zawierciańskie (Pyrzowice). Intensive use was made of Yak-17W and Yak-23 aircraft.
Personnel composition of the 2nd PLM in January 1952;
At the beginning of 1952, the 2nd PLM was commanded by Major Pilot Łozowski, who handed over command to Major Pilot Tadeusz Olędzki. The commander of the 1st Squadron was Lieutenant Pilot Marian Bondzior, the 2nd Squadron – Lieutenant Pilot Antoni Parol, the 3rd Squadron – Captain Pilot Czesław Tanana. The 1st Squadron – Deputy Commander for Piloting Lieutenant Pilot Stanisław Żylski. Assistant Commander for Navigation Lieutenant Pilot Józef Groszewski. Chief of Staff of the Squadron Second Lieutenant Piotr Szymczuk. Commander of the 1st Flight Second Lieutenant Pilot Józef Orczyk. Commander of the 2nd Flight Second Lieutenant Pilot Stanisław Niedźwiecki. Commander of the 3rd Flight Second Lieutenant Pilot Tadeusz Mielnicki. Pilots: Second Lieutenant Zbigniew Wdowczyk, Warrant Officer Henryk Rzemieniecki, Warrant Officer Tadeusz Bakalarski, Warrant Officer Tadeusz Stojanowski, Warrant Officer Zdzisław Chabowski, Warrant Officer Tadeusz Cepek, Warrant Officer Ryszard Łabaj, Warrant Officer Marian Łukaszewski. Technical personnel: 19 professional soldiers, 64 conscript soldiers.
The 2nd PLM had 12 Yak-23 aircraft and 2 Yak-17 W aircraft, and was stationed in Kraków-Czyżyny.
Personnel and equipment composition of the 39th PLM and 40th PLM on 12.02.1952, stationed at that time in Mierzęcice;
Commander’s key: Lieutenant Colonel Babunow, Yak-23 aircraft no. 1205/05, aircraft mechanic Senior Platoon Orodziński, engine mechanic Senior Private Urban. Major Ulanowski, Yak-23 aircraft no. 1022/22, aircraft mechanic platoon Holodo. Additionally, the flight included Ut-2 aircraft no. 01344, aircraft mechanic senior private Krzynowski.
1st Squadron: Pilot captain Rychlewski, Yak-23 aircraft no. 713/38, aircraft mechanic platoon Mączka, engine mechanic private Malarz. Pilot second lieutenant Rutkowski, Yak-23 aircraft no. 1216/16, aircraft mechanic platoon Dudek. Pilot second lieutenant Glinka, Yak-23 aircraft no. 810/10, aircraft mechanic platoon Zybura. Pilot second lieutenant Rutkowski, Yak-23 aircraft no. 1106/31, aircraft mechanic corporal Rybus. Pilot second lieutenant Glinka, Yak-23 aircraft no. 905/30, aircraft mechanic Mroczkowski. Pilot Warrant Officer Gielas, aircraft Yak-23 no. 1002/02, aircraft mechanic Platoon Leader Zybura. Pilot Second Lieutenant Żywno, aircraft Yak-23 no. 724/49, aircraft mechanic Corporal Głowiak. Pilot Second Lieutenant Żywno, aircraft Yak-17 no. 3-08/4, aircraft mechanic Corporal Maciążek.
2nd Squadron: Pilot Captain Brzyski, Yak-23 aircraft no. 1117/42, aircraft mechanic Corporal Kowal. Pilot Second Lieutenant Majorowski, Yak-23 aircraft no. 1125/148, aircraft mechanic Senior Private Łukasik. Pilot Second Lieutenant Majorowski, Yak-23 aircraft no. 820/20, aircraft mechanic Senior Private Kamiński. The Squadron also included the following aircraft: Yak-23 aircraft no. 723/48 and Yak-23 aircraft no. 1122/47.
3rd Squadron: Pilots: Captain Kuczyński, Warrant Officer Kapciuch, Warrant Officer Kraszewski. Aircraft: Yak-23 no. 715/40, Yak-23 no. 1120/55, Yak-23 no. 725/50, Yak-23 no. 718/45, Yak-23 no. 1119/44, Yak-23 no. 1022/22, Yak-23 no. 1106/31, Yak-23 no. 1122/47, Yak-23 no. 1120/45, Yak-11 no. 11-4/7. Not all aircraft had their own pilots and ground crew and were preserved.
In connection with this, the 39th PLM and 40th PLM had at their disposal, at the beginning of 1952, 19 Yak-23 aircraft and 1 Yak-17 W no. 3120008 / 04. On the sidelines, Yak-17 W no. 3120008 / 04 was already serving in the third unit in a row.
According to the plan, in 1952, subsequent air regiments began to be formed, but Yak-17 W aircraft were no longer included in their number. Due to their small number and decreasing importance in the retraining process, a decision was made to group them in one place.
Organized in 1951, the No. 5 Officers’ Aviation School named after Żwirki and Wigury in Radom received in 1953 all Yak-17 W aircraft that were still used for training, as transitional machines for Yak-23 fighters.
The Yak-17W were operated for a relatively short time. They were replaced by the MiG-15 UTI, SB Lim-1. In 1955, the Yak-23W aircraft were completely withdrawn from military training.
Meanwhile, the political and military situation in the Korean Peninsula region was deteriorating. On June 25, 1950, at dawn, an open armed conflict broke out, which turned into a war. Initially, this situation had no impact on the development of the Polish Military Aviation. However, at the end of 1950, the Kremlin made a decision to arm dependent countries. The effect was the introduction of Yak-23 fighters into Poland’s army, which will be discussed in the next chapter.
The new concept, also imposed on Poland, caused a disruption of the balance between the development of the economy and the strength of the army. Within two years (1951–1952), it was necessary to achieve greater strength and numbers of the army than was planned in the plans for the years 1949–1955. Due to these changes, the 3 Yak-17 aircraft, which were new, and the 11 (10) Yak-17 W aircraft, which were in use, remained the only aircraft of this type in Poland.
Jak-17 W at the Institute of Aviation.
In 1957, two Yak-17 W were transferred to the Institute of Aviation in Warsaw. The first of them, Yak-17 W nb 7 (1), was delivered by flight on 21.01.1957, and the second Yak-17 W nb 04 (yellow) was also delivered by flight on 1.03.1957. Both machines were piloted by engineer Andrzej Abłamowicz, the first Polish civilian pilot to sit at the controls of a turbojet aircraft.
The Yak-17 W nb 4 aircraft was registered at IKCSP and received the SP-GLM markings, and most of the test flights were performed on it. The aircraft was used to teach flying and train future pilots of the TS-11 Iskra training aircraft that was being developed. Other flights were used to check controllability and stability, as well as performance, e.g. maximum flight time. The last flight of the Yak-17 W SP-GLM was made on 3.02.1960, and in 1963, the aircraft was transferred for museum purposes. At that time, checkerboards were painted on the registration SP-GLM. In August 1964, the aircraft, already in military colors and with the side number 02, became an exhibit of the Museum of Aviation and Astronautics in Kraków (Rakowice-Czyżyny). After years, the museum changed its name to the Polish Aviation Museum, and the aircraft is unique on a global scale to this day, as no other specimen has survived. In 2017, the aircraft was renovated and received the colors from the period of research at the Institute of Aviation and the registration SP-GLM.
The aircraft, being one of the first jet fighters, had such disadvantages as: relatively poor performance, short range and flight duration, unreliable propulsion, complicated engine start-up procedure. On the other hand, its piloting was simple. The aircraft had good take-off and landing characteristics. The aircraft’s handling was similar to the piston Yak-3 and Yak-9, which made it easier for pilots to master it, and thus the Yak-17 was a very good training aircraft, for familiarizing pilots with jet propulsion, before moving on to newer aircraft.
There is no consensus on the painting method of the Yak-17 aircraft in Poland. During the shows on the occasion of Aviation Day (20.08.1950), it was painted: light gray, and on the bottom light blue, tactical number navy blue. During operation, the aircraft were painted entirely light gray or gray-green. Tactical numbers usually in yellow. Distinctive markings on the vertical stabilizer, fuselage and lower wing surfaces.
Written by Karol Placha Hetman