Mikojan i Guriewicz MiG-21 R. 2011.

Kraków 2011-04-01


215b Section 1968-09-28.

OKB Mikojan and Guriewicz MiG-21 R in Poland.

MiG-21 R nb 1125. Kraków 2019 year. Photo by Karol Placha Hetman
MiG-21 R nb 1125. Kraków 2019 year. Photo by Karol Placha Hetman

R type 94 R The first planes in the MiG-21 R version were purchased in 1968. Deliveries; 2 pieces 1968, 2 pieces 1969, 8 pieces 1970, 24 pieces 1972, 36 in total. The planes were built at the Gorki plant. The planes entered service with 32 PLRT (tactical reconnaissance aviation regiment) in Sochaczew.

1 R 1422 / 94R011422 09/28/1968. Until 1969. in 41 PLM in Malbork, then in 32 PLRT. Withdrawn on February 22, 1990. and as an exhibit (?).

2 R 1423 / 94R011423 09/28/1968. Until 1969. in 41 PLM in Malbork, then in 32 PLRT in 2nd Squadron. Wrecked in the vicinity of Drzonów.

3 R 1705/94 R 01705 7 July 1969 Initially not in Sochaczew. Used in 32 PLRT Sochaczew.

4 R 1706/94 R 01706 November 13, 1969 Used in 32 PLRT Sochaczew in the 2nd Squadron. Damaged near Sochaczew. It remained as an exhibit in Sochaczew (2004).

5 R 1909/94 R 01909 04/16/1970 Used in 32 PLRT Sochaczew. As an exhibit (Kessel).

6 R 1911/94 R 01911 04/16/1970 Used in 32 PLRT Sochaczew. On June 3, 1987 broken.

7 R 1912/94 R 01912 04/16/1970 Used in 32 PLRT Sochaczew. After my service in Karstadt.

8 R 1913/94 R 01913 04/16/1970 Used in 32 PLRT Sochaczew.

9 R 1914/94 R 01914 04/16/1970 Used in 32 PLRT Sochaczew. On May 26, 1980. broken.

10 R 1915/94 R 01915 04/16/1970 Used in 32 PLRT Sochaczew. On 06/06/1983 broken.

11 R 1916/94 R 01916 04/16/1970 Used in 32 PLRT Sochaczew in the 1st Squadron, then in the 3rd ELT.

12 R 1917/94 R 01917 04/16/1970 Used in 32 PLRT Sochaczew.

13 R 1064 / 94R 021064 January 13, 1972. Used in 32 PLRT Sochaczew. From this copy, all new planes went to Sochaczew. After the end of service in Dęblin as an exhibit (1998).

14 R 1071 / 94R 021071 January 13, 1972. Used in 32 PLRT Sochaczew.

15 R 1085 / 94R021085 January 13, 1972. Used in 32 PLRT Sochaczew.

16 R 1101 / 94R021101 January 13, 1972. Used in 32 PLRT Sochaczew.

17 R 1125 / 94R021125 January 13, 1972. Used in 32 PLRT Sochaczew in the 1st Squadron. Museum in Czyżyny (2002, 2009).

18 R 1139 / 94R021139 January 13, 1972. Used in 32 PLRT Sochaczew.

19 R 1273 / 94R021273 January 13, 1972. Used in 32 PLRT Sochaczew.

20 R 1311 / 94R021311 January 13, 1972. Used in 32 PLRT Sochaczew.

21 R 1375 / 94R021375 January 13, 1972. Used in 32 PLRT Sochaczew.

22 R 1412 / 94R021412 January 13, 1972. Used in 32 PLRT Sochaczew.

23 R 1507 / 94R021507 January 13, 1972. Used in 32 PLRT Sochaczew.

24 R 2051 / 94R022051 January 13, 1972. Used in 32 PLRT Sochaczew.

25 R 2089 / 94R022089 January 13, 1972. Used in 32 PLRT Sochaczew, 3 ELT. Private in Wyszyna Machorowska on the premises of a stonemason’s plant (2004).

26 R 2097 / 94R022097 January 13, 1972. Used in 32 PLRT Sochaczew.

27 R 2111 / 94R022111 January 26, 1972. Used in 32 PLRT Sochaczew.

28 R 2213 / 94R022213 January 26, 1972. Used in 32 PLRT Sochaczew.

29 R 2301 / 94R022301 January 26, 1972. Used in 32 PLRT Sochaczew. Withdrawn in October 1996.

30 R 2355 / 94R022355 January 26, 1972. Used in 32 PLRT Sochaczew.

31 R 2402 / 94R022402 January 26, 1972. Used in 32 PLRT Sochaczew. Most photographed in the 70’s. Broken on July 27, 1981.

32 R 2426 / 94R022426 January 26, 1972. Used in 32 PLRT Sochaczew.

33 R 2503 / 94R022503 January 26, 1972. Used in 32 PLRT Sochaczew. Private exhibit in Olchowa (2000, 2004).

34 R 2533 / 94R022533 January 25, 1972. Used in 32 PLRT Sochaczew.

35 R 2617 / 94R022617 January 26, 1972. Used in 32 PLRT Sochaczew.

36 R 2657 / 94R022657 January 25, 1972. Used in 32 PLRT Sochaczew.

The planes remained in service for a very long time. In 1990. there were 32 units in service, and in 2000 10 pieces. In 1991 7 machines were sent to cassation. These were the newest machines that awaited the second major renovation. Older machines were just after the second renovation, so they remained in service. During the service, 7 machines were lost, of which only one in the crash. The last MiG-21 R was written in October 2000.

Written by Karol Placha Hetman