Kętrzyn 2014-11-03
Kętrzyn Wilamowo Airport.
Airport coordinates: 54.052N 21.429E. Elevation 131 m.
Exhibits at the Wilamowo airport.
In 2012, several military exhibits were collected at the Wilamowo airport. There were three aircraft among them. The most interesting was the PZL TS-11 aircraft, which was used by the army in India. India was the only country to buy PZL TS-11 aircraft for its own military, apart from Poland. The PZL TS-11 Iskra nb 60-WI760 plane was in its original Indian painting. The plane was renovated and returned to flight condition. The plane could be seen in the air in Mielec in 2023. Currently (2023), the Polish Aviation Museum in Krakow presents the PZL TS-11 Iskra aircraft, painted in the colors of the Indian troops.
The second plane at the Wilamowo airport was a MiG-21 bis nb 0845 fighter plane no. 75080845. The plane was delivered to Poland on March 26, 1980. The aircraft was operated by the 34th PLM, 9th PLM, 41st ELT. In January 2004, the plane ended its service and then went to the Wilamowo airport as an exhibit. To date (2023), the plane is still presented at the Wilamowo airport.
The third aircraft presented at the Wilamowo airport is the PZL Mi-2 nb 2213 helicopter, which was operated in the Land Forces. The helicopter is painted in a typical three-color camouflage. Currently (2023) the helicopter is still presented at the Wilamowo airport.
Written by Karol Placha Hetman